Misty-eyed and maudlin

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“It’s the closest you’ll ever get to reading your own obituary notices”

That’s how someone once described all the messages you receive when the news is announced of your departure from a job, particularly if you’ve been there a long time.

That’s how I feel today as former colleagues get in touch with so many kind comments.

Mine is a departure from a company and not a departure from life yet I appreciate the similarities in feelings and emotions – loss, grief, sadness and a sense of finality.

Many people write about ‘missing the chance to say goodbye’.

It’s the notes recalling half-remembered conversations and long-forgotten anecdotes which are the most touching. We often don’t realise or appreciate how others view us or what impact we have on their lives.

It’s an up-and-down sort of day. I reply to every single one of the emails and texts.

I go to bed feeling sentimentally misty-eyed and surreptitiously maudlin.